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  • Writer's pictureBecky Lenning

Celebrating Pride: Owning Our Stories and Loving Ourselves

Hello, wonderful readers! As we usher in the vibrant and empowering celebrations of Pride Month, I am reminded of a powerful quote by Brené Brown: "Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we'll ever do." This resonates deeply, especially during a time when we honor the courage, resilience, and authenticity of the LGBTQ+ community. Throughout this month, I will devote my blog to a series posts related to celebrating our unique identities and those of others.

Pride Month is not just about parades, rainbow flags, and festivities—though those are certainly joyous aspects. It's also a time to reflect on the journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and love. As a therapist and member of the LGBTQ+ community, I've seen firsthand how owning our stories and embracing our true selves can be both challenging and transformative.

Let me share a bit about my own journey. Coming out as bisexual was one of the most defining moments of my life. For years, I wrestled with confusion, fear, and self-doubt. Society's expectations and my own internalized beliefs made it difficult to embrace my true identity. However, the moment I began to own my story and accept myself, a weight lifted off my shoulders. It wasn't an overnight process—it took time, reflection, and a lot of self-compassion. But in owning my story, I found strength and freedom.

So, how can we own our stories and love ourselves through that process? Here are some therapeutic strategies to guide you on this brave journey:

  • Acknowledge Your Truth: The first step in owning your story is acknowledging your truth. Take time to reflect on your identity and experiences. Journaling can be a powerful tool to explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe space.

  • Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Remember that your journey is unique, and it's okay to have mixed emotions. Speak to yourself with the same compassion you would offer a friend going through a similar experience.

  • Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive and understanding individuals. This could be friends, family, or members of the LGBTQ+ community. Connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide invaluable support and affirmation.

  • Set Boundaries: It's important to set boundaries with those who may not understand or accept your identity. Protect your mental and emotional well-being by limiting interactions with individuals who are not supportive of your journey.

  • Celebrate Small Victories: Every step you take towards owning your story is a victory. Celebrate these moments, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it's coming out to a friend or simply acknowledging your truth to yourself, each step is significant.

  • Embrace Your Identity: Take pride in who you are. Engage in activities and communities that celebrate your identity. Pride events, support groups, and LGBTQ+ organizations can provide a sense of belonging and empowerment.

  • Therapy and Counseling: Seeking professional help can be incredibly beneficial. A therapist can provide a safe space to explore your identity, work through challenges, and develop strategies for self-acceptance and growth.

  • Stay Informed and Educated: Educate yourself about LGBTQ+ history, rights, and issues. Understanding the broader context of your experience can foster a sense of pride and connection to the community.

Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is indeed one of the bravest things we'll ever do. It requires vulnerability, courage, and resilience. But it's also incredibly rewarding, leading to a more authentic, fulfilling life.

As we celebrate Pride Month, let's honor our journeys and the journeys of those around us. Let's celebrate our stories, our identities, and the beautiful diversity that makes up the LGBTQ+ community.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. What does owning your story mean to you? How do you practice self-love and acceptance? What is one of your favorite things about your identity? What advice would you give to someone struggling with their identity? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let's continue this important conversation together.

Until next time, may you embrace your true self and celebrate your unique story with pride.

With love, solidarity, sparkles, and rainbows,

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