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  • Writer's pictureBecky Lenning

Inviting Joy: A Therapist's Reflections on Embracing Life's Light

Hey there, lovely souls! Today, let's talk about something so essential yet often overlooked: letting joy into our lives. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, navigating the challenges life throws our way. But amidst it all, there's a profound truth we sometimes forget – joy is not just a fleeting emotion; it's a state of being.


As a therapist, I've witnessed firsthand how people often build walls around themselves to keep out the pain, the hurt, and the disappointment. And while it's natural to want to shield ourselves from negativity, we must remember that those same walls can also block out the joy, the laughter, and the moments of pure happiness that make life beautiful.


Let me share a personal anecdote that underscores the importance of embracing joy, even in the face of adversity. Some of the last words spoken to me by my best friend of 20 years, Kym, were a simple yet profound reminder: "Remember to let the joy in," a sentiment that is tattooed on my right arm. Kym was battling cancer, and despite her pain and suffering, she radiated a sense of peace and contentment that was truly awe-inspiring.


In her final months of battling her disease, Kym shared stories of the moments that brought her the most joy – the laughter of her family, the warmth of the sun on her face, helping her students, and the simple pleasures of doing kind deeds for others. It was a poignant reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is light to be found if only we have the courage to seek it.


Kym's words stayed with me long after she passed, serving as a constant reminder to embrace life's beauty and cherish every moment, no matter how fleeting. And while her physical presence may be gone, her spirit lives on in the laughter, the love, and the joy that she brought into the world.


So, how do we break down these barriers and invite joy to take up residence in our lives? It starts with a shift in perspective. Instead of viewing joy as a fleeting visitor, we must welcome it as a permanent resident. This means being open to the possibility of happiness, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.


"One joy scatters a hundred griefs." - Chinese Proverb


This quote encapsulates the essence of embracing joy. It reminds us that even a small glimmer of happiness has the power to dispel the darkness of sorrow and pain. By choosing to focus on the joys in our lives, no matter how seemingly insignificant, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude and contentment that permeates every aspect of our being.


One practical strategy for inviting joy into our lives is to cultivate a daily practice of gratitude. Take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you're thankful for – big or small. Whether it's a warm cup of coffee in the morning, a heartfelt conversation with a loved one, or simply the beauty of a sunrise, there's always something to be grateful for if we choose to look for it.


Another powerful way to let joy in is by paying it forward. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, have the power to create ripple effects of joy and positivity in the world around us. Whether it's complimenting a stranger, volunteering your time, buying a coffee for the person behind you in line, or simply offering a listening ear to someone in need, the act of giving can bring immense joy not only to others but also to us.


So, dear reader, I encourage you to take a moment today to reflect on the walls you've built around your heart. Are they serving to protect you, or are they inadvertently keeping out the joy? Remember, you have the power to choose what you let in. So why not open the door to happiness and let the light shine in?


Now, I'd love to hear from you. What are some of the simple joys in your life that bring you happiness? And how do you pay it forward to spread joy to others? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let's continue this conversation together.


Until next time, may your days be filled with laughter, love, and endless joy.


With warmth and gratitude,

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