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  • Writer's pictureBecky Lenning

Taking Up Space: Embracing Your Authentic Self

Hey there, fabulous readers! Today, let's dive into a topic that's near and dear to my heart: the idea of taking up space. Have you ever felt like you had to shrink yourself to fit into the boxes that others have created for you? I know I have. But here's the thing – you are not meant to be confined by anyone else's expectations or limitations. It's time to step into your power and embrace all the wonderful things that make you uniquely you.

As a therapist, I've had countless conversations with clients who struggle with the pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations. Whether it's family, friends, or society at large, we're often bombarded with messages about how we should look, act, and think. And while it's natural to want to fit in and be accepted, it's important to remember that true fulfillment comes from embracing our authentic selves.

"The ocean does not apologize for its depth and the mountains do not seek forgiveness for the space they take and so, neither shall I."

This powerful quote reminds us that we, too, have the right to take up space in the world without apology or hesitation. Just like the ocean and the mountains, we are entitled to occupy the space we inhabit, both physically and metaphorically. We do not need to shrink ourselves to fit into someone else's idea of who we should be.

So, how do we break free from the boxes that others have created for us and take up the space we deserve? Here are a few strategies that I've found to be incredibly empowering:

  • Know your worth: The first step in taking up space is recognizing your inherent worth and value as a human being. You are worthy of love, respect, and acceptance exactly as you are. Remember that you are enough just by being yourself.

  • Set boundaries: Boundaries are essential for protecting your energy and preserving your sense of self. Learn to say no to things that don't align with your values or serve your well-being. It's okay to prioritize your own needs and desires.

  • Speak your truth: Don't be afraid to speak up and share your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Your voice matters, and your perspective is valuable. Speak your truth with confidence and authenticity, even if it makes others uncomfortable.

  • Embrace your uniqueness: Celebrate the things that make you different from everyone else. Your quirks and idiosyncrasies are what make you uniquely you. Embrace them wholeheartedly and let your true colors shine.

  • Surround yourself with support: Surround yourself with people who uplift and empower you to be your best self. Seek out relationships that are based on authenticity, mutual respect, and acceptance. Remember that you don't have to go it alone – there's strength in community.

  • Practice self-compassion: Be gentle with yourself as you navigate the journey of self-discovery and growth. Remember that it's okay to make mistakes and to be imperfect. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would offer to a dear friend.

So, dear reader, I encourage you to embrace the idea of taking up space in your own life. You are worthy of occupying the space you inhabit, both physically and metaphorically. Don't shrink yourself to fit into someone else's idea of who you should be. Stand tall, stand proud, and take up space unapologetically.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. What are some ways that you embrace your authentic self and take up space in your own life? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let's continue this conversation together.

Until next time, may you walk through life with the confidence and courage to be unapologetically yourself.

With empowerment and authenticity,

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