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Why the Yellow Lotus?

A yellow lotus flower on a lake

The lotus flower has eight petals which correspond to the Eightfold Path of Good Law. It is one of the most common symbols of Buddhism and represents the stages of enlightenment. The lotus flower rises from the depths of a muddy river, blooms and thrives. This symbolizes the human who rises from the darkness of the world into a new way of thinking, living, and an ability to rise above obstacles. It is a symbol of rebirth, growth, and purification of spirit.


The different colors of the lotus flower in Buddhism hold significant meaning. The yellow American lotus represents openness, hospitality, mental clarity, wisdom, creativity, confidence, and joy. I specifically chose the yellow lotus not just for what the flower itself represents, but also because of the special significance the color yellow has in my life.


Yellow Lotus Clinical Services for Healing & Wellness PLLC would not have been possible without the unwavering love, support, and encouragement from my best friend, Soncera Kymberli (affectionately known to me as Kymmie), who lost her courageous battle with cancer in 2020. She was a compassionate warrior and a hopeful fighter who believed in bringing out the best in people and instilling the power of hope within them. Kymmie was an advocate, educator, and unofficial counselor to thousands, and most importantly, she encouraged me to always remember to “let the joy in.” Yellow Lotus was inspired by Kymmie’s given first name which means “sunshine” with yellow being her favorite color. Her memory will forever be honored through my work.

Becky and her best friend Kimmie
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